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Multi-dimensional energy

John Kaldawi learned that prana, or the tangible manifestation of the higher Self, flows through various energy pathways or matrices within the body.  Three most important paths of pranic energy are known as ida nadi, pingala nadi and sushumna nadi.  They are located along the length of the spinal cord.  Ida and pingala spiral staircase.  A complete knowledge of these nadis helps in understanding the inherent multi-dimensional energy of man that is prana.

Ida and pingala are flows of charged ions capable of exerting an influence upon the flow of prana.  Ida nadi is a negatively charged flow of prana and pingala is positively charged flow of prana.  Consequently, discharges occurring between them are likely to influence all the dimensions of consciousness of one who meditates upon them.  In fact, it is believed by some scientists that the psychic centers, or chakras, in the body are nothing more than areas of immense radiation caused by localized accumulations of pranic energy emitting various sub-atomic or elementary particles.

Furthermore, John Kaldawi learned that prana has been described as a type of complex multi-dimensional energy consisting of a combination of electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, photonic, ocular, thermal and mental energies.  The five principle sub-divisions of prana, which exist in different parts of the body, have varying densities of ionic fields.  They may be visualized as swirling clouds of differing colors and hues.  These pranic clouds are free to expand or contract with or without the influence of any external factors.

Udana is the lease dense of the pranas, then comes prana, samana and apana.  Vyana, which flows over the whole body, has a density which is the average of all the others.  The different colors of prana or bio-plasmic clouds are due to the emission of photons when electrons change their energy levels from the higher to lower frequencies.

John Kaldawi also learned that according to some scientists, the nature of prana is cloud-like and has electromagnetic energy.  This gives rise to electromagnetic radiation in which the waves of electric energy and the waves of magnetic energy are at 90 degree angles to each other, resulting in what looks like spiral. This radiation structure has been seen, described and drawn by sages and savants from all parts of the world at different times.  It was photographed about four decades ago through a process called Kirlian photography.  It is the experience also of psychic healers that some force leaves the body and is transferred to the patient.


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