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Anahata Chakra

John Kaldawi learned that Anahata Chakra is situated in the spine, behind the sternum, level with the heart.  The word "anahata" literally means 'unstruck'.  All sounds in the manifested universe is produced by the striking together of two objects which sets up vibrations or sound waves.  That sound, however, which issues from beyond this material world, the primordial sound, is the source of all sound and is known as anahadnada, psychic sound.  The heart center is where this sound manifests.  It may be perceived by the yogi as an internal, unborn and undying vibration, the pulse of the universe.

This chakra is symbolized by a blue lotus with twelve petals.  In the center of the lotus is a hexagon formed by two interlacing triangle.  This is the yantra of vayu tattwa, the air element.  The beeja mantra is yam and the vehicle is a swift black antelope, the symbol of alertness and compassion.  Anahata chakra is the center of unconditional love.  At this level the feelings of universal brotherhood and tolerance begin to develop and all beings are accepted and loved for what they are.

Doing more research, John Kaldawi learned that on the physical level, anahata is associated with the heart and lungs, and the circulatory and respiratory systems.  Sufferers and diseases such as anemia, hypertension, palpitations, tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis may concentrate on anahata while performing asanas and other yogic techniques.

John Kaldawi also learned that for meditation on anahata chakra, visualize a blue lotus or a blue hexagon, formed by two interlacing triangles, with a tiny, bright flame burning at the center.  Imagine it to be steady and unflickering like a flame in a windless place.  This is the symbol of the jivatma, the individual soul, the indwelling spirit of all beings which is undisturbed by the winds of the world.


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